About The Inspired Legacy

Men are under attack.

While our culture seeks to redefine what it means to be a man, Satan attempts to seduce and distract us with all kinds of temptations. He knows that when husbands and fathers succumb to sin, God's family structure crumbles. And without an active or present dad in their lives, our kids become easy targets.

We must fight back.

It is a man's job to be the "watchman on the wall" of the fortress around our home and family. We must be on guard at all times, standing firm in our faith, and willing to act like men through spiritual and self-discipline (1 Cor 16:13), putting aside all distractions and temptations that may breach our walls over time.

So if you seek to be better tomorrow than you are today—to better lead yourself and your family toward something greater, then you are in the right place. If you sense society's threat to you, the health of your marriage and family, and are ready to take a stand for what is good and acceptable in the eyes of God, then you are in the right place.

The Inspired Legacy is here to help you in this fight. Our mission: to equip and inspire you to unleash your lion, lead your family, and become the man God designed you to be.

Mark Henderson

Founder & host of The Inspired Legacy podcast


I'm just a flawed man trying to follow Jesus the best I can, and along the way, become the husband and father my family deserves. I will never truly achieve these goals—nobody does—but I've grown to love the process and have found a passion in helping other men do the same.

I'm blessed to have been married to my beautiful wife, Kimberly, for nearly 25 years. Together, we have three amazing kids: two daughters and one son. In 2018, our oldest daughter married her longtime boyfriend, and in 2019, God blessed us with a healthy grandson. Let me tell you, being called grandpa is a lot of fun, but watching your child become a fantastic parent is incredible.


But if you're thinking, "he doesn't look old enough to have been married 25 years, or to be a grandpa," you would be correct. When we were both only nineteen, my wife (then girlfriend) became pregnant, and before turning twenty, we were married and thrust into adulthood. While I know that may not have been God's plan for us at the time, He has certainly made it work for His glory.

But experiencing marriage and fatherhood at such an early age didn't come without its challenges. Mostly because I was young, dumb, and selfish at the time, but I also didn't have a great relationship with the Lord.

Growing up, I regularly attended church with my family, studied Luther's Catechism, and gained some basic head knowledge of what it meant to be a Christian. However, I never developed a genuine relationship with Christ. So in the early years of being married with kids, I wasn't compelled to attend church, let alone pursue Jesus in my spare time. Looking back, I now realize I was stuck in the doldrums of life.

Beyond growing in my career and providing for my family—which are integral to being a man—I lacked vision. I didn't understand what God might have planned for me and how that might translate to my family and their spiritual well-being.


Fast-forward a decade or so, by God's grace, He placed some great Christian men in my life who showed me what it meant to follow Jesus. In the years since, my eyes have been opened to the transformational power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am far from perfect, but I am better today than I was in years past because of who Christ is and what he has done in my heart.

Through my years of studying scripture, surrounding myself with wise men, and the application of Biblical principles in my home, I understand the significance God has placed on the roles of being a husband and father. And I want to help other men gain this knowledge and to know Christ so that they can better lead themselves, their families, and leave a Godly legacy.

The Inspired Legacy is my chance to give back and share what I've learned on my journey to becoming the man that God always intended me to be. I hope you'll join me.


Jacob Green

Contributing Author & Podcast co-host


I'm here to provide a different perspective. One from a dad who is just beginning on the journey, but has a passion for faith and family alongside a thirst for biblical truth and knowledge.

I grew up in the church, with my mom working in children's ministry for as long as I could remember. I went to youth group every week, spent every Sunday in a pew, played in the worship band, and was surrounded by other families who had the same ideas. Over the years I learned all about the bible and how we should act as Christians, but did it without really embracing it. Similar to most young adults, I remained in that lukewarm state for years on end.

Along my path, an amazing girl came into my life during my freshman year of high school and was crazy enough to give me a chance. For the next eight years she showed me a boundless love that I never deserved. I have been married to that wonderful woman for three years now, who just so happens to be Mark's oldest daughter, Alyssa. One year into our marriage God gifted us a beautiful baby boy, and I could not imagine anything more fulfilling than fatherhood.


Early on in this journey I felt wildly unprepared and frankly, unqualified. I am thankful that my wife picked up my slack in that regard early on, but I knew I was falling short of my responsibilities and potential as a dad. This is where I am thankful for what I view to be the biggest advantage of growing up in the church: even though I never really bought in, I knew exactly where to turn when real life got hard and I needed help. I began to lean into scripture, seeking guidance in the words left behind for us so many hundreds of years ago. I developed a thirst for the knowledge and experience of others, which started as I listened to The Inspired Legacy. I listened to every episode from start to finish, and was introduced to several other resources by Mark.

I soaked up the words and wisdom of men and fathers far more experienced than myself, and related it all back to the ageless knowledge I found in scripture. Through all of these resources I began to develop a vision for myself and my family, and placed my focus on building a multigenerational team on a mission for Jesus. I am blessed to have a wife who is as all in as me, and inspires and encourages me to be a better man and father each and every day.

In contrast to Mark I'm pretty new to all of this, having just two years of experience in fatherhood. Despite that, I have a burning passion and desire to create and implement a vision for my family using biblical principles as my guide. The work that Mark has done with The Inspired Legacy has encouraged me to seek out, explore, and execute the principles of biblical manliness and fatherhood. I understand that in order to do so successfully, I need to surround myself with a group of like-minded men. The Inspired Legacy is my chance to dive headfirst into a community who will hold me accountable, encourage me, and grow alongside me. I am honored just to be a part of this Godly mission.



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