rites of passage

Forgiven & Redeemed // with Jon Nicolas

Forgiven & Redeemed // with Jon Nicolas

My guest today is Jon Nicolas. He came from a broken home, was abused at a young age, neglected in his youth, and grew up not knowing what it was like to be loved. As a result, he headed down the wrong path for much of his life. In this interview, hear how Jon found Christ, turned his life around, found love, forgave those who hurt him, and what the Holy Spirit is doing in his life today. This message is powerful and Jon brings the fire!

Rites of Passage for Boys with Tim Wright

Rites of Passage for Boys with Tim Wright

You’ve probably heard about boyhood rites of passage, but consider them antiquated rituals that no longer have value in our modern world. The truth is, this practice can be more valuable to raising boys today than you might realize. Tim Wright, expert and best-selling author about this topic, joins me to set the record straight about how rites of passage, whether faith-based or secular, can greatly benefit boys as they develop into men. If you have sons or grandsons, you don’t want to miss this episode!