GUT CHECK: Leaving A Legacy of Fear

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I hope I don't come off too callused in this episode, but guys, I'm over the pandemic.

No, that's not pandemic fatigue talking. I'm naturally introverted and could live in isolation or cover my face for months on end and not be incredibly bothered by it personally.

My concerns lie with the larger implications the past year has had on society, and I can't watch it any longer. I could rattle off an endless list of adverse effects this season has had on people, but the segment of our population we should be most worried about is our kids.

Don't get me wrong; I don't want to minimize the legitimate threat of COVID. Nor do I want to overlook those who have lost their lives. I have been to funerals for people who died from COVID complications. The virus is real, but we must look at the broader picture.

Our children, who are statistically and scientifically not at risk, have been the victims of fear and paranoia felt by the adult population. And these projected fears have begun to manifest themselves in alarming and unhealthy ways amongst kids everywhere.

How will the past year impact their growth? What lessons are we modeling with our fearful attitudes? And what does it say about our faith?

I don't want to offend anyone with this episode, but I do want to challenge you. If you find yourself clinging to fear, where is your hope?

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